Tips to Cure Sunburn

Sunburn is worse than tanning. Not only does the sunburnt skin look tanned, but it additionally also burns and itches. Though people take most of the precautions, they still end up getting sunburnt because without them realizing, their skin gets exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Sun burnt skin develops freckles, pigmentation, peeling of the outer layer (epidermis) of the skin, discoloration and in worse cases it may also lead to the development of skin cancer. It is, therefore, extremely essential to treat a sunburn before the situation gets out of hand. With summer season knocking on the door, people are more likely to make their way to the beaches, and the chances of getting a sunburn are more than ever. It such cases, it is important to take precautions, especially if you have sensitive skin because with sunburn, it will hurt more.

If you have been unable to take the necessary precautions and ended up with a sunburnt skin, here we are a few natural remedies and tips that will help you get rid of it faster.

1. Paste of potato:

Potatoes are not just good food to eat; they are equally helpful when it comes to relieving pain, especially the pain of sunburn. They are a healthy skin’s best friend and help in overcoming minor irritations; they soothe insect bites, skin inflammation and scratches. Potato juice works produce even better results, but slices are no less effective. If you are sunburnt, here is a remedy you could try. Take the following:

  • 2 potatoes
  • Cotton balls, pads, facial tissue or gauze


  • Grate the potatoes and blend them till they turn into a liquid.
  • If you think that the blend is too dry to be a paste, add a little water to thin it out.
  • Soak the cotton balls inside the mixture and then apply it to the sunburnt area. If you have a gauze, you can soak it and put it over the burnt area.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a naturally cooling plant. It is known for its skin soothing and cooling properties. It contains no less than 99 percent of water. The last 1 percent includes highly nutritional elements such as copper, zinc, amino acids, tannins, vitamins, selenium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Tannins that are present in aloe vera have the qualities of an astringent. They along with selenium have the capacity to treat sunburn in very less time as compared to other products. Here is how you can use an aloe vera to cure a sunburn:

  • Take an aloe vera leaf. Cut it and bring out the gelatinous part.
  • Apply that part on the affected areas. Gently massage it and let it dry.
  • Once it has dried, wash it off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the entire process at least 5 to 6 times a day.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can block the rays of the sun from affecting you. You can also use it to treat the sunburnt area. One of the primary constituents of the oil is the lauric acid which heals the sunburnt skin. Here is how you can use coconut oil to treat the affected area:

  • Take pure and unadulterated coconut oil in a bowl. Add a few drops of aloe vera gel or lavender oil if you have it.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • Wait for the mixture to get absorbed into the skin.
  • This combination is quite effective in treating the stingy and itchy feeling of the sunburnt skin. It cures the redness and reduces inflammation.

Remember to not use the oil on the affected skin right on the day you get the sunburn. Prefer giving a gap of at least a day and then try this remedy.

4. Cucumber

As cool as a cucumber they say. Cucumbers are a wonderful way to treat your sunburn. Made of 96 percent water, they help in rejuvinating the skin. They also have Vitamin A, silica, sulfur, folate and manganese all of which combine to have a healing effect on the sunburnt skin. Cucumbers are also known for their analgesic and antioxidant properties. Here is how you can use a cucumber to cure your sunburn.

  • Take a small cucumber and grind it into a paste. Take the paste in small parts and put it on the sunburnt skin.
  • Let the paste rest on the skin for at least 20 minutes. Then wash it off using cold water.
  • Another thing you could do is slice the cucumber in thin slices and place them over the sunburnt skin.
  • You could also make a cucumber juice, soak a cotton cloth in it and place it on the affected areas.

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