Tips to keep you hydrated

Hydration can be translated into good heart health. If the hydration level of the body is adequate, it implies that the heart doesn’t have to work hard in pumping blood to the muscles. Hydration is essential because it makes sure that our body is functioning properly on a physiological basis i.e. maintenance of blood pressure, blood circulation, digestion and body temperature. If your body is adequately hydrated, you can even slow down the aging process.

Dehydration is a dangerous condition. It results from the lack of water content in our body. It can lead to headaches and swollen feet. Excessive dehydration can cause something as severe as heat stroke that is a life-threatening condition.

Considering the importance of hydration, we must understand the need to keep ourselves hydrated at all times. It is one thing to drink enough water and another thing to keep the body well hydrated. There are a lot of considerations we need to make before we choose our diet. A diet that is high in water content ensures hydration.

One of the best ways of being hydrated is by following an Aquavore diet. Dr. William Dunn, a therapeutic nutritionist, gave the suggestion of Aquavore Diet. Water is essential for maintaining hydration, but it’s not the only option. Research says that we should drink no less than eight glasses of water each day, and about 20% of that water must come from food. Water intake through food doesn’t just help us keep our body hydrated, but it also maintains the salt and mineral balance. Aquavore diet focuses attention on this aspect of hydration. It is all about finding out food (fruits and vegetables) that have a high content of water. Consumption of these foods gives water and essential vitamins and minerals to our body. They provide weight and volume but no calories.

So when the summer has come and the temperatures are on a rise or when you are out playing some sport, travelling or just enjoying your time sitting in the sun, make sure you eat and do all that will help in keeping you hydrated.

Here are a few tips that will help you beat the heat and maintain hydration at all times.

1. Plan a diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables that have high water content, fiber and nutrients. Here is a list of some of the best food choices that can replenish water content in your body

  • Cucumber– Cucumber has more than 95 percent water content. Consumption of 1 cup of cucumber is approximately equivalent to drinking a glass of water. You can make dips and soups using cucumbers apart from using them in a salad. They are also known to have some amount of fiber and Vitamin C.
  • Watermelon– A fruit that has water in its name, watermelon is a major contender in the list of top hydrating food. It is made up of 92 percent water, and it also has salt, calcium and magnesium that make it perfect for hydration. Watermelon is also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Binge on it for all kinds of nutrients and of course water!
  • Strawberries– Strawberries take top position among all kind of berries in the category of having the highest water content of 90 percent. Berries have anti-oxidant properties. They are cardioprotective and are extremely good for the eyes, skin, and nails. Their regular consumption ensures hydration and keeps swelling and chronic illnesses at bay.
  • Iceberg Lettuce– Iceberg Lettuce has the highest amount of water in the lettuce family. It is approximately 96 percent water. For more nutrients like Vitamin K, lutein, potassium and high fiber content consumption of greener lettuce like spinach and romaine is recommended. While spinach is not as high in water content as iceberg lettuce, it is a better choice. You can use all of them to create a healthy well rounded green salad.
  • Celery– We use celery for garnishing and providing our food that extra crunch. It has approximately 95 percent water. It is also a powerhouse of minerals like Vitamin K and potassium.
  • Carrots– This crunchy vegetable has more than 90 percent water. It has tons of beta-carotene that help in keeping cancer away. Apart from this it is also a rich source of Vitamin A and C that is good for the eyes and skin.
  • Zucchini– This popular summer squash is made up of more than 95 percent water. Cooking it can lead to loss of water, so it’s best to consume it raw. Apart from water zucchini consumption can also replenish nutrients like Vitamin A, C and K, magnesium and dietary fiber in your body.
  • Bell Peppers– Sweet bell peppers are very high in water content and are therefore great for hydration. They also have Vitamin C.

Eating these fruits and vegetables will not just help you in staying hydrated but will also maintain optimal health.

2. Make it a point to keep drinking fluids at regular intervals during the day. It can be water or any other fluid. If you want to stick to an option that maintains hydration and doesn’t add any calories to your diet then water is a healthy choice. In case you want to try something else, here is a list of some fluids you can drink apart from water

  • Coffee– Many people believe coffee to cause dehydration. Research says that drinking as much as one cup of coffee a day will not just keep you hydrated but will also add to your agility and boost your performance. Coffee is known to contribute to the development of a sharp memory, and if you consume it without sugar, it reduces the possibility of heart diseases and diabetes. Remember to keep it under control as too much coffee can cause dehydration.
  • Sports Drink– Sports drinks are specially made to prevent dehydration when you are exercising or engaged in any form of physical pursuit. After a grueling workout session your body not just loses water but it also loses salt. Sports drinks have sugar and high content of sodium that restore the water and salt balance after a rigorous workout. If you exercise for shorter durations, you might want to drink something else because sports drink will then become a source of carbohydrates. Sports drink can also be substituted by soup and vegetable juices that aid rehydration and recover the sodium loss.
  • Smoothies– You can create a smoothie of your own to prevent dehydration. Smoothies are a mixture of a lot of fruits and vegetables thus they act as a rich source of hydrating drink that is power packed with nutrients. With spinach and iceberg lettuce, you can create a nutrition packed green smoothie. It only takes a few minutes to slurp down a delicious glass of it.
  • Coconut Water-This tropical drink is super rich in water and is extremely low in carbohydrates that make it a better choice over sports drink. It is rich in potassium and is very hydrating. There are a lot of varieties of coconut water including unsweetened ones. You can consume this natural drink after a session of light exercise for rehydration.

3. Milk is a good source of protein and calcium. The calcium ensures that your bones remain healthy. According to research, milk is considered an even better hydrating product than a sports drink or water. It is known to contain 85 percent water, and its consumption, especially after exercise can help in recovery and rehydration. If you are calorie conscious, you might want to choose slimmed-down carton of fat-free or skimmed milk. The fat in milk delays the process of fluid replacement.

4. Health experts suggest that a person on an average must consume at least eight glasses of water. If you are thirsty, then it is not a very good indicator of your level of hydration. When you start feeling thirsty, your body has already started dehydrating.

There are three steps that you must follow if you are going to a rigorous exercise session:

  • Pre-Hydrate
    Pre hydration means drinking 400 to 600 ml or 14 to 20 ounces of fluid at least two hours before you exercise. Pre-hydration is a way of ensuring proper hydration of the body during the process of exercise. Keep a large water bottle handy with you at all times during the day and make sure you drink it before you start feeling thirsty.
  • Hydrate
    During the exercise, you have to make sure that you are not losing a large amount of water. If you are, take short breaks in between to sip on the sports drinks.
  • Re-Hydrate
    You must check your weight before and after a workout. If there has been a loss of 2 to 3 kilos, it means that you have lost a considerable quantity of water and salt. You must restore the water level by immediately consuming 3-4 cups of water and fluids that replenish the salt losses of the body.

5. Replenish the water content in your body by drinking a glass of fluid every time you come back from the restroom. Also have a glass of water before every meal.

6. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is extremely dehydrating. It can cause loss of water in the body at fast rates. If you plan a workout session, then you definitely must avoid consuming alcohol the day before. Also, avoid working out in a hangover.

Even mild dehydration can have a negative impact on a person’s mood, performance, energy levels and the ability to think clearly. Water is essential for the body because it empowers the brain with electrical energy to carry out physiological functions. Dehydration means the loss of at least 1.5 to 2 percent of the water which if not replenished in time can be very dangerous. Thus, it is essential to keep your body hydrated at all times.

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