Top 10 Ways to Gain Weight

Excess of anything is bad. Though a majority of people struggle with reducing their weight, there are still an equally large number of individuals who are excessively skinny. No matter what they do, they just don’t seem to gain any weight. Sometimes, being underweight can lead to other related medical health issues. It is also quite easy for a skinny person to feel weak and self-conscious. It is for these reasons that gaining weight should be the priority of skinny people. It is also the only way to increase your athletic performance and stamina. Increasing weight does not just mean adding fat, it also means increasing and strengthening your muscles as that is what optimum health means. Here are a few tips following which can help you gain weight in the right way.

1. Prefer eating Calorie-Dense Foods

Nutritionists suggest that you should take calories equivalent to 18 times your weight in pounds. A single pound of weight can be increased within a week if you take 500 extra calories within a day. To gain weight, you should eat foods that are high in calories. If you are going for clear, broth-based soup for lunch, then you should add chili to it. In snacks, you should replace popcorn with nuts and grapes with raisins.

2. Increase the frequency with which you take meals

Eating frequently is an excellent way to increase the total number of calories you consume. There is a popular belief that if you increase the amount of food you take or indulge in “binge eating” it will lead to weight gain. But it does not help in any way. A better option is to distribute your calories evenly so that your body can adapt to the food intake.

3. Start eating Monounsaturated Fats

The Heart Association of America asks people to take food which has heart-healthy monounsaturated varieties and to limit the consumption of that food which has saturated and trans fats in it. In 1 gram of fat, there are nine calories and fat is calorie dense too so add it the meals you take as an accent. To gain weight you should start eating pasta made with olive oil and eat toast having nut butter on them.

4. Include different types of drinks in your diet plan

Go ahead and replace sugary sodas and soft drinks with milk, smoothies, juice as they contain a significant amount of healthy calories. Drinking them also provides your body with the nutrition and energy it needs. You can also go with weight gainer shakes that are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and calories. When drinking coffee, add cream in it.

5. Decrease your junk food consumption

It is true that junk food is high in calories but apart from that they all encourage weight gain by adding fat in your body which is not good for your health. Do away with this misconception of eating more junk food to gain weight and switch to healthier and nutritious options.

6. Start eating snacks

Skipping meals is a strict no-no when trying to gain weight. You should always have food with you so that if your regular meal is not available you can at least eat something. Snacks that you should eat are Trail mix, energy bars, white grain crackers, and other foods of the like.

7. Start having strength training

Lifting heavy weights increases your strength. Doing gym with heavy free weights like barbells and dumbbells puts stress on your muscles in such a way that they start repairing and become bigger and stronger. Your focus should mainly be centered on weights. But the one thing that you must remember before getting into gymming is to take adequate amount of calories so that you do not create a calorie deficit through exercise.

8. Start consuming vegetables that have a significant amount of starch

Vegetables which contains starch like corn, sweet potatoes, and peas provide more calories to your body than their leafy green counterparts. Include them in your diet and see the change.

9. A lot of proteins is the key to gaining healthy weight

When we say healthy weight we mean adding muscle rather than fat. Muscle is made of protein so taking a diet that is high in protein, in turn, builds your muscle. Also, remember not to let proteins dominate your food as protein-rich foods are highly filling and in turn reduce your appetite and hunger.

10. Improve your habits

Having a good night’s sleep is the key to solving all your health problems. Sleep relaxes your body and induces faster muscle growth. Give up smoking as people who smoke tend to weigh less than people who don’t.

Gaining weight does not mean adding fat, eating whatever you like and overlooking the importance of healthy lifestyle. Integrate healthy changes in your daily habits and see the positive changes reflect in your weight.

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